Friday, July 31, 2009

Don't Rant

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009

Parables, Myths, Legends and Tales
Dewey: The 200's

Religion -- Philosophy.
Faith and reason.
Belief and doubt.

See The Jayme Stories : Don't Rant/Found God --
See Transformations : Have To/Want To
See Transformation : Needing You/Wanting You

"Should I go mom? I really don't want to go, now. Maybe I should go with you instead."

"It's up to you Jayme. Just because you paid the money and you made a commitment, doesn't mean you have to go. You can always change your mind. You don't even have to give an excuse. Your face is hurting. Your extraction may be getting infected. That could be your excuse. Do what you want to do."

When Jayme realized he didn't HAVE TO go, he decided he WANTED to go.
When I realized I didn't Need you, I decided I Wanted you!

A phone call, days later:

"I'm having a great time, mom. I'm having the best experience of my entire life. I will tell you all about it when I get home. I don't want you to judge me, mom. I'll tell you all about it when I get home."

Soon after Jayme arrives home, he waits for a private moment and he waits until he has my complete undivided attention.

"Mom, I have something to tell you. Please don't go into a rant. I don't want you to go into one of your rants, not now, please. I have something important to tell you. It's very important to me. Something very important happened to me this past week. You promise not go into one your rants? This is really very important to me."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jayme : The Stand Up

Jayme loved Dane Cook. Dane Cook has a routine about how he always wanted a monkey when he was a kid.

Jayme loved to present stories about his grandma and his mother as a stand-up routine.  He would imitate how Grandma, at church, under her breath, demanded that he join the children in the lower level.  Then after church was over, she would cheerfully tell all her friends, how "Jayme chose to go down to the attend the children’s mass, ALL BY HIMSELF!  He mimicked his grandma and it was funny.

We were at the airport enroute to Tokyo when we were made to realize that our passports had expired.  After some research, we took a drive to Norwalk and waited in line outside before the place openeed for the day.  There were young children on the line, just in front of us.

Jayme retold the story in his Dane Cook fashion, poking fun or

A Cockroach in it's Natural Habitat

In a hot fury, Jayme departed to the upstairs and would not talk to either of us for the rest of the night.

Earlier that evening, the three us arrived home from somewhere.  'Home' being Yuichi's house in Kodaira.  We often stayed there on weekends.  Particularly extended weekends.  As soon as we'd arrive home, Yuichi would turn lights on and turn on the aircondtioner.  During the colder months, he'd turn on the heat.  This is because he turns everything off before leaving the house.

I opened a sliding glass door, for some reason or other, I went outside briefly.   Thinking I had closed the screen door behind me, I left the glass door open to let some air into the stuffy house.  I didn't realize that I had not secured the screen doors, leaving the doors wide open on the left side !  Not until this large bug came flying into the house from behind that curtain.  I was scolded by both my son and Yuichi.  Yuichi and Jayme went to investigate the night visitor.  They had to move the stereo system away from the wall.

Oh, how awesome.  We'd only seen these creatures in the zoo !!  Not only was Jayme excited to see such a large specimen, it was in it's natural habitat!  I began looking about for a glass in order to contain the insect.

Yuichi returned from the kitchen, apparently he had gone there to grab something from beneath the kitchen sink.  Before we could take our new friend into custody, Yuichi dowsed it with an aerosol bug killer.  Something like Raid. Jayme was entirely upset.  He stomped off to another room.

I felt terrible for my son.  I went to check on the creature.  It was moving.  Perhaps we can keep him afterall; now that Yuichi understands how we feel.  It all happend so fast.  I called to Jayme and there we were, the two of us, behind the stereo cabinet, ecstatically gazing over the reviving critter.  We were about to scoop him up into a container, when, once again, returning from the kitchen, Yuichi joined us.  Perhaps we made way for him.  Perhaps he instructed us to move out of his way.  Perhaps he said nothing.  I'm certain the both of us were thinking that since Yuichi understood our desire, he was there to assist.  As we were enthusiastically looking over our beloved house pest, Yuichi stabbed him in the heart with a toothpick !!

Leaving Lights On / Leaving Doors Open

My dad often yelled at me.  In turn, I often scolded my son, Jayme.

We couldn't use the hot water when the dishwasher was on, we couldn't touch the white walls, we had to turn the lights out if we were to leave a room and all the bedroom doors needed to be closed in order to contain the heat.

When we lived in Japan, Jayme and I.  In Japan each room is either heated or air conditioned by a separate unit, we have them in America now.  There's a name for them.  It is important to keep the doors closed to retain the temperature.

I heard Jayme as he exited his bedroom.  That was door number one.  I did not hear it close.  He opened and closed the door to the toilet room, but when he opened it again, I did not hear it close.  That was door number two.  I could hear him proceeding down the hallway.  I was getting a bit worked up, "close the doors, damn it!"  I will yell at him before he goes back to his bedroom. 

I heard the opening of the door to  the wash room.  "Oh my goodness," immediately, the thought came over me, MY SON WASHES HIS HANDS AFTER HE GOES TO THE BATHROOM !!!

Child rearing -- Anecdotes
Dewey Class 818.5407

Take a Shower / Do Your Homework

We were living in Japan at the time.  When he had

Child rearing -- Anecdotes
Dewey Class 818.5407