Sunday, August 16, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For


Thursday, January 26, 2006

We've already read Sylvester and the magic pebble and King Midas and the golden touch

Today, the children listen to a cassette recording
of a telephone conversation.

Lesson/Moral: Be careful what you wish for

I feel so guilty, Jayme blames me for uprooting him
from his friends. I'm sorry that my career has taken
us to Japan. I have taken him away from all his friends.

I have the children listen to an answering machine tape.
On it is a telephone conversation that
took place just after World Trade Center
disaster. My library professor from Stony Brook apparently called and Jayme picked up just after the machine did.  Dan is telling Jayme how they can hear the helicopters overhead, bringing patients into the hospital, all day long, as he is in the library building at the University

Jayme responds : If there is going to be another airplane
crash, something serious like that - I don't want to
live in this country.

AHA: I exclaim to my listeners. IT ISN'T MY FAULT AFTER ALL.
It's actually his own fault that we are here. He wished for it and didn't
even realize it.

KIDS JUST LOVE this stuff.  Jayme hates it.  When the kids see him in the hallway, they taunt him !

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